Dark Road Dreams

With Stephen Jenkinson

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Author : Rowe Center
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Check out Stephen Jenkinson’s paid recorded program, Grief/Dirt: An Online Weekend with Stephen Jenkinson, and his article, Our First Ancestor.

There will come a time when the current un-doings will be undone, and those people in those times will be on the other side of us and our example. We will be someone’s ancestors. They’ll decide who we were, what we did, whether we bore them in mind at all. We could end up as the cautionary tale they’ll never want to be, or we could be a shard from an old chalice that has trace elements of a very fine wine, the rumour of a nobility that rose when the time came.

The stakes are high. Young people, driven by a sense that it might be too late now and that they alone know the sky is falling, are looking for something like a tribe to belong to, for someone to blame. Older people feel maligned or distracted or paralyzed and left behind; shamed by the darkening sky.

In this 90-minute webinar, Stephen Jenkinson, one of the most original thinkers we have been privileged to present, will speak to some of the questions we face. And more importantly, question the questions themselves. Matters of race and identity, among them. Intellectual honesty and disciplined inquiry, as well. What the internet is doing to community, village-mindedness, and education. And, privilege and grievance movements, the standardization of opinion, and shaming as a pedagogical strategy.

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Stephen Jenkinson

Stephen Jenkinson

is an activist, teacher, author, and farmer. He is the founder of the Orphan Wisdom School in Tramore, Canada and the author of four books, including “Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul”, the award-winning book about grief and dying, and the great love of life. In 2015, he created Nights of Grief & Mystery with Canadian singer-songwriter Gregory Hoskins. With a 5-piece band, they have mounted international tours and released three albums, most recently “Rough Gods and Dark Roads”.