Happy Earth Day!
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with music to raise our spirits and honor the beauty and sacredness of the world we share. Jim Scott, internationally acclaimed composer, guitarist, and singer, invites us to sing, celebrate, mourn and create the soundtrack for global healing and transformation.
Many know Jim as the guitarist with the Paul Winter Consort and co-composer of their celebrated “Missa Gaia/Earth Mass” and as composer of the prophetic “A Song For The Earth.” From rockin’ to contemplative, Jim and friends Martha Sandefer and Rich Siegel will take us through an experience of nature in words, melody and harmony. Be prepared to sing along!
As well as a call to action, Jim’s lyrical songs and “eternal optimist” personality are the antidote to despair or discouragement in this time of crisis for our life support system. It is clearly a dark time, with some feeling it’s too late and change is just not possible. Jim’s songs of hope, mystery, lament and wry commentary will lift us to a new perspective. Sing along with Jim and his friends his songs about air, water, and soil, mixed with warnings of toxic threats as well as expressions of gratitude for Nature and the nurturing power of the Sun.